Not anymore Just Herbal Alternative Medicine

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Jamu Bukan lagi Sekadar Obat AlternatifEXCEPT as herbal medicine, herbal medicine is now beginning to shift roles and can be widely used both for treatment independently or in a formal health services.

Herbal medicine is no longer considered just an alternative because of its knowntraditional aliases that have been proven to overcome various diseases. With theadvancement, of course, required the availability of herbal medicine / herb quality, efficacyand safety is assured and scientifically tested.

Based on data from WHO in 2005, about 80 percent of world population uses herbal medicine ever. In Indonesia alone, herbal medicine as part of herbal medicine / herb has been widely accepted and used by people to maintain health.

According to data Riskesdas in 2010, approximately 59.12 percent of the population ofIndonesia ever eating herbs and 95.6 percent of them admitted the efficacy of herbal medicine in improving health.

"This shows a shift towards the concept of public interest back to nature. As a country with a rich biodiversity of the world's second largest, Indonesia has about 30 thousand speciesof plants. Of this amount, as much as its 9600 proved efficacious as a remedy, but that we can use still very limited, "said Deputy Minister of Health Ali Gufron Mukti, as quoted, Wednesday (16/11).

Currently, scientifically. The new herbal medicine is focused on four formulas to treat symptoms of hyperglycemia, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and hyperuricemia.Meanwhile, based on the scientific evidence from Indonesian herbal medicine, currentlythere are three types of herbal medicine that is 6 types phytopharmaca, 31 types ofstandardized herbal medicine, and about 1,400 types of herbs. Furthermore, herbs that have been scientifically tested, security, benefits and quality will be used for application in health services in various health care facilities. So. You are still unsure of the efficacy of herbal medicine?

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