Extreme Home Fat-Loss Workout

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ready to try it? Then check out the dumbbell complexes below. It's a time-saving technique that’s expertly designed for the results you want. All you have to do is make the effort. And if you want a complete 12-week program that provides 24 different three-exercise complexes -- along with a personalized Abs Diet nutrition plan -- check out the Abs Diet EXTREME Workout. It'll blast fat and help you look and feel fitter than ever.
Directions: You can do your entire workout using either Dumbbell Complex 1 or Dumbbell Complex 2, or use both complexes in the same workout. Simply choose a dumbbell complex and do each exercise within the complex for 30 seconds. Don’t put the dumbbells down or take a breather until you’ve done all three exercises. Then rest for 90 seconds. That's one round.
After your 90-second rest period is up, you can either repeat Dumbbell Complex 1 or move on to Dumbbell Complex 2. Simply follow the same procedure, and then rest again. (That's two rounds.) Once you’ve rested, repeat the entire process until you’ve completed a total of 6 rounds. This is what Gaddour calls Level 1. It’s the best place to start. And it takes less than 18 minutes, but it'll likely be all you want. If you feel like you need to work harder, you can move to Level 2 or Level 3, where you'll decrease the rest and increase the number of rounds.
Note: A typical rep-range for each exercise is about 8 to 12 reps. If you’re consistently getting more than 15 reps, the weight is too light. (Or you need to move to Level 2 or Level 3.) If you're consistently completing 6 reps or less, the dumbbells are too heavy. Also, for any single-leg or single-arm exercises, switch sides halfway through each work period. So you'd switch arms or legs at the 15-second mark of an exercise.
Level 2: To make it harder, decrease your rest time to 60 seconds, and complete a total of 8 rounds.
Level 3: This is really tough. Decrease your rest time to 30 seconds, and complete a total of 10 rounds.
Exercise 1: Close-Hands Push-up
Exercise 2: Dumbbell Skiier Swing
Exercise 3: Overhead Split Squat
Exercise 1: Twisting Curls
Exercise 2: Overhead Triceps Extension
Exercise 3: Single-Arm Deadlift
Want to learn more great exercises?

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