8 Foods for our Muscles

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Makanan Untuk Otot AndaThere are plenty of available food, but only partially useful for your muscles. Surely it does not mean others are not useful, but the point is to other parts of the body. With 8 of these foods you can build your muscles and more confident with your body.

White EggsThis is the perfect protein to build up your muscles. Egg white has a BV (biologic value) of the most high and the highest content.

Bean sproutsThis frail little food turns out to have remarkable efficacy in our bodies. The content of vitamin E are high in these foods act as anti-oxidants that can prevent free radicals that occur after we do the heavy weight training. The less affected muscles of free radicals, the faster your muscle recovery and growth.

Marine FishThis is our favorite food was also very useful for our body. The content of omega acids 3nya can prevent muscle breakdown after we practice hard. Thus, our muscles are not reduced and could instantly grow new muscle so you look bigger.

YogurtThe content of CLA in yogurt helps you to keep your body from fat. These substances can help reduce fat in your body. Besides the high carbohydrate content and can help clean your body needs carbohydrates finished practicing very hard.

BeefMore than a source of protein, beef also contain lots of iron and zinc. In addition these foods also contain creatine, a substance that can pump up your muscles to work harder and grow faster. In addition, as an alternative, you can also enjoy the chicken meat that has the same amount of protein, but without creatine.

AvocadoThe content of unsaturated fats to function as an anti-catabolic so as to prevent damage to muscles and strengthen it.

WaterBody, and also the muscles, consisting of 80% water. Because the water is extremely important role in your muscle growth. The results showed that the muscle that contains enough water to make protein synthesis more easily than water shortage.

Coffee / ChocolateWow, is this you might be surprised. But coffee does have a content that has been well known, that caffeine can stimulate the heart to you so that your muscles can work harder to lift the load and helps burn fat so it can streamline your body. But if you have health problems related to caffeine then you should avoid coffee or caffeine in other forms. And also better coffee (not caffeine) because you limit their consumption also has an influence on the hormone cortisol. For the consumption of caffeine can be obtained from supplements or natural sources such as tea and chocolate.

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